Welcome To Grand Valley Dance Troupe’s website!
We are Grand Valley Dance Troupe (GVDT), a student-run dance organization at GVSU!
Here you will find an abundance of information about our student organization, Grand Valley Dance Troupe. We are proud to represent Grand Valley as their largest student organization.
Founded in 1996, Dance Troupe has provided hundreds of Grand Valley students a way to continue dancing through college in a fun and non-competitive way! We proudly represented I Understand this past semester, the foundation we chose to sponsor and give back to during our recital. You can find our Fall 2024 Recital “Dance Troupe Understands” video in our linktree (our link tree is located in the bio of all our social media pages)
This semester we are representing and giving back to the Family Promise of West Michigan organization. This organization helps create futures that are full of potential and possibility. They provide West Michigan families struggling with homelessness shelter, food, security, and other basic necessities.
Feel free to contact us through social media or through the contact information we provided on our Contact page!
Explore our website to learn all about us!
Updates at a Glance
Thank you all for a great fall semester!
Our Winter Recital: March 28th and 29th
Feel free to contact anyone on E-Board with your thoughts and suggestions on how we can do things differently! (Emails can be found on our contact page and there is also the comment box if you want to be anonymous!)
Stay tuned for more updates!